Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The day we went to Wal-mart...

Today is Wednesday, May 5th, 2010….a day that will forever be burned into my memory. Today was the day I went to Wal-mart and took all 6 kids with me….I’ll never be the same.

You see, it sounded like a good idea. I had a very busy day between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm and just did not have time to run to Wal-mart before the kids were out of school. So, once again, I thought, “Sure, How hard could it be??!!?” Note to self: Any action that follows that statement in my mind is sure to be a disaster.

There was one bright spot….when we pulled in to the parking lot, what to my wondering eyes should appear? But, a parking space…RIGHT ON THE FRONT!! WOO-HOO! Score! See, this is going to be easy! The kids even gave me a round of applause in the car when I remarked on my successful parking.

First obstacle was getting all 6 kids out of the car, across the crosswalk, and into the store with no fatalities. Done! I’m on a roll!

Now, this is where I realize that I forgot to pick up the list that I made this morning. I know precisely where it is…on the kitchen counter…at the house…12 miles away. So, with my superpowers, I try to recreate the list in my head, all while jerking at the buggy that is stuck to the buggy behind it and will not release for me to take it and do my shopping. Where are all the kids in this, you are asking?? Well, as my thoughts come back to the kids, I overhear Emily saying, “Okay, everyone needs to stay within a 3-foot perimeter of the cart.” What?!? Is she kidding me??

Not 5 minutes later, I hear Emily again, but this time she is saying, “Okay the 3-foot perimeter thing is not working. How about if we make a single-file line behind mom.” Oh, great. That won’t draw attention to us or anything.

After 5 more minutes, Emily says, “Well, it doesn’t appear that the line is working either… I just hope we get home with all 6 kids.” Honey, that’s my whole goal in life right now. What aisle is the Valium on???

We finally make it to the car, everyone buckles up, and Jacob calmly states, “Well, that was some material for the blog, wasn’t it?!” You bet, Jacob!

On the way home, we passed by a house right behind Barry and Tab’s house. To say that there were a few items in the yard would be the understatement of the year. There was stuff everywhere. When the kids started commenting about it, I said, “Well, maybe they are getting organized for a garage sale this weekend.” “No,” Jacob replied, “that house just throws up ever so often.” Okay.

I’m gonna leave you tonight with some “Samuel Sayings…” Note: these phrases have not been altered in any way. These are actual phrases that Samuel spoke to me at some point during the day.

“You know that thing that goes around the earth every 97 minutes? I see it out there.” This was spoken at 3:47 this afternoon…when the sun was shining brightly…and there was no possible way anyone could see anything in the sky. Okay.

“Did you all know that the smell of Grandma’s car makes me think of carrots?” I cannot even comment on that statement.

“Did you know that the world’s tallest man was more then 3 feet taller than his father?” Okay.

“This house is just one strange thing after another.” You got that right, Bubba.


  1. I'm so sad to know that there's only a week of this blog left.

  2. I hate Wal-Mart when I'm by myself, so I'm completely impressed that you even attempted this. Bravo!

  3. Good thing my roommates aren't home, because I just read all your posts and about fell out of my chair laughing. I'm amazed that you have the energy to write this blog after such crazy days!

  4. Nick - Are you kidding me??!?

    Erin - what I didn't write in the blog was that I realized halfway home that I forgot to buy cheese slices - an absolute staple in a house with 6 children. So, I sent Emily and Jacob on a "scavenger hunt" to see if they could find any at Grandma Jane's house. They were successful. I sent mom a note to tell her that when she gets back in the country and starts making out her grocery list, she needs to start with cheese slices. Thanks mom!

    Laura - Strangely enough, I think the "blog-writing" is helping to keep my sanity...just not sure why you crazy people keep reading it! But, I'm happy to know that I'm providing free entertainment for somebody.
